"Who knows? Maybe you were made queen for just such a time as this." Esther 4:14, The Message

The Queen of Glitter, Kathy Bennett
The Queen of Glitter.  I have found my royal title and royal calling.  Of course, I have also discovered that Kathy Bennett (that's the "real" Queen of Glitter in the photo) has already claimed this royal title.  She was made queen for such a time as this.

In this photo she is addressing her subjects of the Simpsonwood United Methodist Church Pre-School.  She wears her queen dress, shawl, a tiara (I do keep my tiara in my office--I never know when I will need it) and brings lots of glitter.

Most importantly, she brings books that she reads with animation and love to the children.  They love her, and they love the fun of reading that she shares with them.  She is contagious and infectious with her love of reading and all things that make her the Queen of Glitter.  I strongly suspect that Jesus is just like this with his love and care for God's children--children of all ages and stages.

I love being Queen.  People who know and love me realize that I am a Queen. Some people would equate that to being "The Principal" or being "The Leader" or "The Mother" or "In Charge" or "The Grandmother/Oma Susie" or "The Matriarch".  Naturally, I consider myself to be a good Queen, a benevolent Queen.

Queen Esther has always been one of my heroines and favorite Bible characters.  I learned from her that doing the right thing can be dangerous, risky and even life threatening.  Being obedient to God can be dangerous, risky and even life threatening, too.

Queens are role models.  Queens are noticed and watched and imitated.  Queens are teachers.  Queens understand that education conquers ignorance; and Queens know that discipline, love and education help people to become the person God is calling them to become.

Glitter tends to stick to everything, and it is almost impossible to clean up.  Glitter is an annoyance for pre-school and elementary school teachers, but it is so much fun to use.  I have glitter facial powder that I love to use for special parties and occasions--like Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.  I love it when people notice the glitter powder, and I love it even more when they enjoy and smile because I am celebrating with glitter.

Honestly, I think following Christ is a lot like the Queen of Glitter and a lot like glitter.  What do you think?
